Community and Development – a conundrum

Current government retrenchment with an ensuing devolution of responsibilities to more local areas is causing interesting dynamics in the field of community and economic development.  Traditionally considered the domain of more senior levels of governments such development has gradually been taken on by those involved in governance closer to the local level.  This necessitates new […]

Building Community – revisiting values

Building Community – revisiting values is a compilation of my articles published by Sir Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1997 COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT A conundrum Current government retrenchment with an ensuing devolution of responsibilities to more local areas is causing interesting dynamics in the field of community and economic development.  Traditionally considered the […]

Community Economic Development

The integration of econ­omies, shifts in manufacturing bases, communications develop­ments and technological developments are having impacts, causing stress and re-evaluation of institutions, programs and methodol­ogies.  These economic thrusts are shaping political agendas as well.  The apparent inability of national governments to control either economic levers, interest rates or currency patterns exemplifies and heightens these shifts.  […]
A workshop group in India

A Journey to India

Meeting people and making new friends has been one the treasures of my work and my travels.  One such friend, Sam Chelladurai, whom I met at a conference in India, invited me to his home as a means to exchange experiences in community and development. I have written these notes to share my adventures, experiences […]

An Indian Experience -a report to the Commonwealth Foundation

 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study tour was made possible with the support and assistance of many.  First and foremost, Sam Chelladurai and his family who provided accommodation, guidance and a varied itinerary.  The Commonwealth Foundation who provided support for travel costs.  Numerous development groups, local community associations and individuals who shared their work, knowledge and hospitality. To […]