New Beginnings – Life’s struggles

Where am I It is a Sunday morning in January and I am in the Magdelin Islands and decide I need a walk to clear my mind.  The walk stimulates my thoughts to all that has changed in my life in the past six months and since I left Newfoundland some ten years ago. My […]

Truth – life’s fragility

I have been giving a lot of thought of late to truth and its impact on one’s life.  Truth is such a nebulous concept with different meaning for different people, different contexts for different events, and different realities for anyone who even contemplates its meaning. My own concept of what’s true is being tried and […]

Into the Light – life’s passages

It is interesting to reflect on life and its many phases.  It appears as if a person in moving through these phases experience a sense of newness, apprehension, familiarity and comfort and eventually through to a place of both impasse and no return.  It seems that it is only when one reaches this stage that […]

Despair – life’s learning

As I am reading the Globe and Mail on the 29th of January I am struck by two articles about Newfoundland.  A feeling, which may be akin to nostalgia appears, a feeling enhanced by a large dose of Newfoundland through movies, books and old acquaintances which all have appeared over the past few months.  I […]