Moving Beyond the Shadows – a time for honest contemplation

I have been contemplating the concept of “shadows” for sometime.  A thoughtful statement by a colleague and friend initiated this reflection as he suggested that the work of building community requires those doing the guiding to appear as shadows.  This reminded me of Scotland where oftentimes, my suggestion to those with whom I worked, was […]

Disposable Life – throw away thinking

It’s amazing that at a point in time in human history, when people are supposedly most learned, sophisticated and advanced, life is so expendable.  I say life because most everything in life to day is disposable.  A society has been created whereby things are acquired and disposed with little regard for the nature of their […]

Visiting an English school in Taiwan

My sisters, Grace, Doll and Rae and I were invited to attend an English School by my youngest sister’s daughter Krista who was in Taiwan teaching English. We had an opportunity to interact and talk to the students.