With Neigbours child

What about the Children

My new perch in The Gambia offers different insights and a new window through which to contemplate the world.  While watching current world events unfolding, impacting so many, one has to ask “what about the children”. In this country, while things are stable, life is difficult for many, but they persevere.  The average annual income […]

Leaving a workshop in The Gambia

This was at the end of a lengthy day at a workshop on Strategic Planning session dealing with priorities for the PAGE – the national plan that I assisted the government with called the PAGE. 

Rooted in a Colonial Past

(This is how they dry fish in The Gambia.  It is similar to how it used to be dried in Newfoundland.  Colonies often have a lot in common – I guess the masters were the same.) Several years ago, while at a conference in Brazil, it was my good fortune to meet a young woman […]