In search of stability

It is that time of year again when it’s time to take stock, reflect on the year that we are leaving behind and the New Year about to unfold. It has been a tumultuous year in the world and for myself a year of transition and change and learning with a move to Gambia. It […]

Gambia Return 2017

(Photo: Reunion with the children from the neighbourhood where I lived in 2013-4) A journey begins with the first step, I am not sure how many more steps would be included in the 19,000 plus kilometers it took me to get to the Gambia, but I imagine a few. There were a few diversions.

Change is never easy

(Picture drawn by Tetyana Kudina, Ukraine) A lot has happened in the world since I left Newfoundland and Labrador in mid-December. This is all part of the shifts and change sweeping the world, challenging beliefs and institutional foundations.