Students thanks to donors


LIFE-its mystery and magic

(Picture – These children deserve a decent future too, not just poverty and deprivation) “Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. At the moment of commitment, the entire universe conspires to assist you.”                                                                         Johann Wolfgang von Goethe This is one of the […]

Love and care are not enough

“The world, perhaps as never before is in need of spiritual rejuvenation and a foundation for living based on the human values of caring and sharing.

In the midst of despair, life, love and hope

Despite the despair, fear and longing for stability, it has to be remembered that life is still full of wonder, visible care, love and bewilderment all around.

Community – in a survival economy

  (A of  view of a typical marketplace in an economy where 97% of businesses are micro. This one a fish market at one landing site for fish in The Gambia people sell fish and variety of other products.) I have argued for many years that what has been touted as ‘Globalization’ was indeed centralization. People […]

Love and its Magic

I have been lax in my writing since I came to The Gambia and have begun to think it is time to get back to it. I normally write when the muse visits and compels me. It begins with an idea, a thought or a title, which I let gestate in my head and my […]

A societal disconnect

There has been much focus on the wide gap between the rich and the poor, with very good reason. But that in itself is only symptomatic of a greater malaise evident in the developed countries of the world.

Untangling the World and Our Communities

(Picture: A Ukrainian community takes action to build a playground) The world appears to be wrapped in a web of diplomatic deception and intrigue, while our communities are cloaked in a clutter of jargon and empty phrases. 

Unleashing the power of people

(Picture – My friend and his children) The plight of a young friend from The Gambia epitomizes for me much of what is wrong in the world.