Sharing the Wealth

Lack of money wealth in the world shouldn’t be a problem with prolific news stories about huge takeover attempts, large individual stockpiles of gold and silver, the vast sums paid to executives for salaries and bonuses and the billions owned by the few.  There would appear that there is enough monetary wealth for all. The […]

Regionalization and Governance

Regionalization was presumably a much talked about subject at the recent Municipalities convention.  Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador have prepared a series of papers to focus the discussion.  It is not a new topic.  Regional Government has been an aspect of the municipalities act for many years. My own involvement in municipal government in Newfoundland and […]

When Results Are Not Enough

Results in an initiative, project or enterprise are imperative for many reasons.  They demonstrate progress, justify effort and funding, build confidence within and without and they build community acceptance and pride.  There are obviously many more and other reasons that results matter, but results are only one part of the equation.

In Search of Community

I read with interest the article in the Western Star about homelessness.  It suggested that while it is a reality for some in Western Newfoundland, it is basically an invisible problem.  The article says: “homeless people here are more likely found living on a friends couch or at a relative’s.” Perhaps homelessness, here and elsewhere, […]

Reclaiming Community and Our Lives

The concept of family and community has been, and continues to be, eroded in modern society.  One might feel that they both are in danger of extinction. Globalists promote the idea of “Big Society” and centralists advocate individualism, in order to concentrate power.  Individualism works temporarily for those who accumulate the wealth or power to […]

The Beauty of Small

The President of BP recently caused a flutter in many circles when he stated, during a speech, “we care about the small people”.  He was referring to the people most affected by the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, those whose livelihoods will be dramatically affected and whose way of life will be torn […]

A World of No(n) Sense

There appears little by way of intelligence remaining in our world, much less compassion or care.  We appear to have entered into an age that makes no sense, and which is full of nonsense. What would those wise generations of long ago have thought about the current state of the world?  Indeed, would any of […]

Does Rural Have Value

We have been witnessing for many years the depletion and diminishment of rural living and subsequently rural communities.  This is very evident in statistics; the percentage of people living in areas considered rural in Canada has been declining for generations.    This has perhaps been more significant in Newfoundland, with the concentration of population in St. […]

What has Happened to Humility

When the myths have all been dispelled, humans will only have reality; and that has always been a dilemma for humankind.  The fundamental truth of our reality can be found in the unknown: the mystery that is life.  This mystery is still beyond the realm of human thought and imagination and evident only in the […]