Category: Community
The Fragility of Humanity
Like most people, as I sit and watch the coverage of how COVID-19 is ravaging most countries of the world and killing hundreds of thousands, especially those my own age, life becomes a focus, or perhaps I should say, death enters the picture as a correlative to life. One aspect of human reaction that causes […]
Love and care are not enough
“The world, perhaps as never before is in need of spiritual rejuvenation and a foundation for living based on the human values of caring and sharing.
The Opportunity that is Perechyn – two years of discovery
It has been two years since my arrival in Ukraine from Canada and within a little more than a week later my first introduction to Perechyn. Since that first visit much of my time has been spent in Perechyn and area and the focus of much of my work has been with the Core Group […]
What’s in a Book
(This was a short presentation that I made at the launch of The Book of Perechyn, Ukraine a tourist publication created and published by the local CED Core Group) The strength of a book is not found in the words, pictures or even symbols that it contains. The strength and influence of a book is […]
Creating a Ukrainian CED Process
(This picture was taken after one of many training sessions that were held for all who participated in the project. Education was a major component of this Community Economic Development project.) Why Community Economic Development is so Important to Ukraine: It is not hard when one first arrives and travels in Ukraine to feel despair for […]
Community Generational Challenges
(This picture was taken with my working colleagues shortly after I arrived in The Gambia. We were touring one of the local markets that was much in need of redevelopment.) I have taken up an assignment in The Gambia in Africa where I will be providing support to the Ministry of Economic Planning and Industrial […]
The Fragility of Community
Community is more than the sum parts of physical infrastructure, much more than the social environment in which people live and fundamentally more than the services which people have come to expect. Community is the primarily intangible environment where people co-exist, raise families and build memories. The challenge of building community capacity and subsequently using […]