Freedom – taking responsibility

In both developed and undeveloped countries, the search for freedom and some semblance of control is endemic.  It is an increasingly urgent quest at this end of the twentieth century because there is growing recognition that the latest development phases of our evolving society and institutions are redundant.  Promises of greater freedoms with less obligation […]

Beginnings – dispelling the myths

Are there, in the flow of human experience, beginnings and endings?  Or, is life similar to the ocean shoreline, the seasons or the universe?  Do any of these have beginnings and endings or do people choose reference points to give them context and a corresponding illusionary sense of human control?  Today, undeniably, there is an  […]

Towards the light – hope from despair

The search for solutions, a magic formula or a key to unlock some hidden source that will solve the present human malaise, has taken on proportions of untold dimensions.  Leaders and experts think that they have the knowledge and the capabilities to determine these solutions and they believe that they should know.  This results in […]

Dependency – truth or illusion

Western governments are presently redefining, revamping, and restructuring social programs and economic development activities in order to deal with an issue which is as old as mankind itself. The present crisis has been prompted by the dependence of some on government support programs. A system which is now considered unsustainable. The current strategy of restructuring, […]

Change – challenge and opportunity

Economic and political changes are culminating in phenomenal challenges to individuals and communities everywhere.  This is most evident in underdeveloped rural regions. The economic growth and expansion of the past decades have created expectations and desires that have become unsustainable.  As a result, economic shifts of the magnitude that we are experiencing are frightening at […]

One Community’s Story – Trepassey, NL

One Community’s Story This small community in Newfoundland has a population of approximately 1,500 people and serves a region of some 4,000.  My introduction to the extent of their dilemma began when I was invited to participate in the development process taking place there which resulted from the closure of its single industry, a fish […]

People Without Boundaries – redefining our identity

Globalization and the global community are words used to address a phenomenon causing the breakdown of geographical boundaries among the nation states of the world.   We are slow to recognize that the collapse of local borders in our community-based structures is also occurring. As the world becomes borderless, ultimately everything we do will become borderless. […]

Reflection on the Westray Mining Disaster

(This was a piece written after the tragic collapse of the coal mine in Westray, Nova Scotia, Canada on May 8th, 1992 which killed 26 miners) The tragic loss of the failed human venture in Plymouth, Nova Scotia is just being realized and the rationalization of why it ever happened is about to begin. Conventional […]