Power and Its Abuse

We are witnessing many examples of power and its abuse in the world around us.  Every day there appears to be a new example and a new catastrophe.  There is a correlation of this misuse of power and the centralization that has happened throughout the world.  This centralization has accelerated over the past few decades […]

A Future Inhibited by the Past

(This picture was taken in Benin in Africa after a workshop on Community \Planning and Evaluations facilitated by Gaston Gohou) It is amazing in life how much the past overshadows the present and shapes the future. Humans apparently are hard wired to forget the hard lessons of their history.  They also appear programmed to cling […]

Election Apathy or Contempt

There is much talk about apathy during this election and there has been in many before.  The suggestion is that people are negating their responsibility and forfeiting their democratic right. There is perhaps another reality.  There is the belief that has been perpetrated that democracy is about a vote.  That is far from the truth.  […]
With Neigbours child

What about the Children

My new perch in The Gambia offers different insights and a new window through which to contemplate the world.  While watching current world events unfolding, impacting so many, one has to ask “what about the children”. In this country, while things are stable, life is difficult for many, but they persevere.  The average annual income […]

Rooted in a Colonial Past

(This is how they dry fish in The Gambia.  It is similar to how it used to be dried in Newfoundland.  Colonies often have a lot in common – I guess the masters were the same.) Several years ago, while at a conference in Brazil, it was my good fortune to meet a young woman […]

Sustaining Democracy

I have been reading with some interest the events surrounding the leadership contest (or lack of one) for the PC Party.  For me it brings back memories of my involvement in another nomination process, as a young naïve mayor who had, at the time, some political aspirations. 

An Epiphany Year

The end of any given year changes little in ones life, but as a new one begins hope grows for something different. Last year might be described as an epiphany for most.  The realization of the sorry state of much of the world we have created, economically, politically and personally and perhaps a growing appreciation […]

Sharing the Wealth

Lack of money wealth in the world shouldn’t be a problem with prolific news stories about huge takeover attempts, large individual stockpiles of gold and silver, the vast sums paid to executives for salaries and bonuses and the billions owned by the few.  There would appear that there is enough monetary wealth for all. The […]

Regionalization and Governance

Regionalization was presumably a much talked about subject at the recent Municipalities convention.  Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador have prepared a series of papers to focus the discussion.  It is not a new topic.  Regional Government has been an aspect of the municipalities act for many years. My own involvement in municipal government in Newfoundland and […]